High Is The Sky, And Deep.
Who Is Living In This House?
I Am The World Created In Tishri.
One for the money; two for the show; three to get ready; and four to go!
The first time you marry is when you finally find 'The One'. The second time is when fate and destiny offers you a second chance. And the third time's the charm.
Canon IV Of Our Holy Father Basil The Great,
Archbishop Of Cæsarea In Cappadocia.
They that marry a second time, used to be under penance a year or two. They that marry a third time, three or four years. But we have a custom, that he who marries a third time be under penance five years, not by canon, but tradition. Half of this time they are to be hearers, afterwards Co-standers; but to abstain from the communion of the Good Thing, when they have shewed some fruit of repentance.
Canon L Of Our Holy Father Basil The Great,
Archbishop Of Cæsarea In Cappadocia.
We look on third marriages as disgraceful to the Church, but do not absolutely condemn them, as being better than a vague fornication.